Human Trafficking Defense Lawyer


Human Trafficking Defense Lawyer

Human trafficking is a very real and serious problem in the United States and the State of Texas. Being accused of this crime can have significant consequences jeopardizing one’s livelihood.

What is human trafficking?


According to the Texas penal code, a person intentionally traffics another person, child or adult, with the intent that the trafficked person will engage in forced labor or services.

Texas ranks second in the nation for reported cases of Human Trafficking, which is why the state has strict punishments for those convicted of the crime. Human Trafficking is a Felony in Texas, but determining if it’s a second or first-degree felony depends on whether the person being trafficked was a minor and/or it resulted in their death.

The penalty for violating human trafficking laws in the state of Texas is a felony of the second degree and has a term of 2-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,0000. A person may face a felony charge of the first degree if the trafficked person was under 18, if the person allegedly being trafficked died, or if the person’s unborn child died at the time of the offense. Anyone guilty of a felony of the first degree shall be punished by a term of 5 – 99 years or may be sentenced to life imprisonment (along with a fine of up to $10,000).

Human Trafficking Federal Laws


Human trafficking is also a federal crime. Penalties for those found guilty of human trafficking can receive up to 20 years in prison or even be sentenced to life in jail, depending on the conviction. Most cases involving federal human trafficking fall into federal jurisdiction because it involves moving people across the state or international borders.

Are you being accused of human trafficking? We can help you.


If you have been accused of human trafficking, you are at risk of facing lengthy prison time and paying hefty fines. In addition, let’s not forget to mention the social stigma that can follow you throughout your life.

Here at John Kuntz, Attorney at Law, we are skilled negotiators with extensive experience in state and federal crimes. We take the time to closely examine all the details of your case to develop an appropriate strategy. We’re here to protect your legal rights and your future.

Contact my office today for a free, confidential consultation at (210) 881-7509.


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