Aggravated Assault of a Child in Texas


Aggravated Assault of a Child in Texas

According to State Law, a person commits the offense of aggravated assault when they cause serious bodily injury to a child or when they commit an assault while using or exhibiting a deadly weapon.

Serious bodily injury is a type of harm that puts a child’s life at risk. It may also cause permanent disfigurement or loss of limb or organ. Texas law further defines a “child” as a person 14 years or younger. The crime classification depends on the offender’s intent and the nature of the alleged injuries suffered by the child. The penalties vary depending on two critical questions:

  1. What was the mental state of the defendant at the time of injury?
  2. How serious were the injuries?

These cases can be complex, which is why it requires professional legal advice. It’s extremely important to retain a lawyer that has in-depth knowledge about criminal law and has the professional experience to handle cases such as these.

Penalties for charges involving Aggravated assault of a child


If a person is found guilty of recklessly or negligently causing bodily injury to a child, they will likely be charged with a state jail felony offense. In the case a defendant is found guilty, they could face up to two years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines. Those accused of intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury to a child in Texas may face third-degree penalty charges. If the offender was an employee of a care facility, the charges could elevate to second or first-degree murder, depending on the case.

Contact the Law Offices of John Kuntz if you’ve been charged with aggravated assault


If you are facing an aggravated assault charge of a child, contact us at (210) 881-7509. We may be able to assist you.

At the Law Offices of John Kuntz, we have experience defending special cases involving aggravated assault. We take the time to get to know you and your case. With relentless investigation and preparation we step into the court ready to defend you.

We will answer all your questions and help defend your rights.

Schedule your free consultation today at (210) 881-7509.

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