Sex Crime


Sex Crime Defense Attorney in San Antonio

Are you facing sex crime allegations? Being charged with a sex crime can lead to severe consequences involving years in prison and steep fines. Most sex offenses in Texas are felonies under state law. If you are convicted of a sex crime, jail or prison sentences can be anywhere from 2 years to life, plus fines. In addition, you will be required to register as a sex offender, restricting where you can live, travel and work. Facing a sex crime is burdensome. That’s why you need someone defending you every step of the way.

The only way to avoid the long-term consequences of a sex crimes conviction is obtaining an experienced sex crimes defense attorney to represent you and fight the allegations.

As skilled defense attorneys, I believe that every defendant is entitled to a strong legal defense. With 23 years of experience my firm knows the criminal justice system and we have the extensive legal experience in protecting the rights of our clients charged with:

Sex Crimes Defense Law Firm

We can assist you if you are under suspicion or investigation for a sex crime charge. Under no circumstances should you talk to anyone without a defense attorney. Statements made to the police or investigators without the presence of an experienced attorney by your side can jeopardize your defense options.

We understand that charges for a sex-related crime can have serious impacts on your life. The damaging stigma of such a charge can be life-altering, leading to a loss of a job, freedom, and reputation.

Don’t wait. Your future depends on it.

Contact my office for a free confidential consultation at (210) 881-7509.

Free Case Evaluation


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