

San Antonio Assault Defense Attorney

Assault is a serious offense that can be charged separately or together. If you are charged with assault, you may find that you will be facing lengthy jail time, heavy fines, or probation.

You may also be served with a restraining order that can negatively affect everything from your daily commute to the visitation of your children. If you have been accused of either of these crimes, then you need to work with an experienced assault defense attorney.

For these reasons, all people convicted of assault stand to face an assortment of legal consequences. Because some of assault crimes are classified as felony offenses, the penalties for conviction include no less than two years in prison, probation, large fines, community service, mandatory counseling, restitution to the victim, and more.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Attorney John Kuntz


We will significantly increase your chances of overcoming your charges and avoiding these life-altering penalties.

Contact us today (210) 881-7509.

Free Case Evaluation


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